
Our pets try to let us know their thoughts and feelings, but we often miss it. There are many reasons why. Maybe

We all share secrets with our pets, right? Not necessarily “bad” secrets. But you know, shared memories and understandings about things that

Check out this fun interview I did with a great website –! Faith and Animal Communication – Anne Angelo Webb Reach

Te Animal Intuitive Show, Ep. 101  Live Animal Communication / Animals & Love, Research Do our pets love each other, do our

There’s no time like the present to prepare your pet for summer noises, travel & other stress. I received one of those

Gracie cat stared at me with those penetrating eyes. Her impassioned cry emphasized her annoyance with my delay in response. “Snacks!” Kane

I am happy to be able to present to you Roxy Pets, CBDs for dogs and cats. As you know, I occasionally

Reconnecting With You

I wanted to reach out as you may have noticed that things have been quiet on my end for a bit. I

The Animals' Message

I looked into my dog Cheyenne’s eyes and asked her something that was deeply affecting me, “Why don’t so many people listen