Feeling the need to clear my head I took a walk on a nearby trail. During the walk, three species came across my path that caused me to do some reflecting.
I veered off the path and find a place to stop and pray and meditate. In doing so, I came across a clearing where there was a deer snacking on some vegetation.
Deer Wisdom For All Of Us
I greeted the deer and let her know that I was a safe human and that I would not allow my dog to harm her. She acknowledged and communicated back that she did understand and continued to munch away on his snack. This is the second time in a week that I came up close to a deer on a walk. Sensing a reason for the pattern, I asking her if there was any message that she had for me?
Her response was not only for me. She said that what people often miss is that deer are here to guide us closer to nature and return to our heart center. Of course there are environmental problems that are causing people to see deer in their yards, etc. However, as so often is the case with spiritual matters, God uses this “negative” for good. Deer come out of the wooded areas and into the open which causes humans to experience a connection with nature (even if subconciously). I recalled many times when I was busy and distracted and once I saw a deer it made me slow down; especially because I do not ever want to scare them. Seeing a deer in my usual environment also redirects my thoughts to nature and reminds me there is more to life than what I am focused on at that moment.
Spider and Snake
After leaving the deer I felt uplifted and much better about something that I been struggling with. Often a conversation with an animal does provide resolution and healing. Part of this is just the elevation of our energetic frequency from interacting with these pure souls. The other may come from specific words of wisdom and comfort that they provide.
As I continued along on my walk, a spider who looked much like the spider from a previous blog entry that I wrote “Nature Speaks On Connection; Ocean Fish and Bathtub Spider,” crossed my path. And then shortly thereafter, a snake. Snakes, in my life, have often indicated change and shifting. Of course, there is much to be found about this in Native American literature. The “shedding of old skin,” so to speak, has proven itself to be true for me. What I have experienced is that these beings are shown to me by God to get my attention and to prepare me for change. Also, to provide a sense of reassurance about the changes to come.

So what did this all mean?
 I felt the intuitive guidance that I was to be spending more time in nature and focusing more on caring for my own heart center, as per my deer friend.  The snake indicating to prepare that there will be change coming either in myself or in my circumstances.  The spider was serving as a reminder that all is connected and so there is always support when experiencing change, if we just recognize and accept it.
I give thanks to God and to the animals for these very special interactions.
Upcoming animal communication course Saturday July 11, 2015!
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