Guided Animal Communication Meditation
Disclaimer: My goal in working with you and your animals is to further understanding, connection, and love. I am not a veterinarian; I cannot diagnose or treat illness or disease. My work is not intended to replace that of a pet health-care professional. All services are for the purpose of providing comfort for you and your pet. Massage for animals requires approval from a licensed veterinarian. I will provide you with instructions prior to scheduling an appointment with me. My statements on this website are opinions only. I make no guarantees or promises about the outcome of my services or that the outcome will be the same as previous results or testimonies. I encourage you to follow your own inner-guidance and to work with your own pet care professional to make the best decisions for your pet. The information contained on these pages is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Essential oil products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not meant to substitute for veterinary care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. Please see a qualified veterinarian for medical treatment. These suggested uses apply only to therapeutic grade, Young Living Essential Oils.